Telling Christian adventure stories that let my readers experience a world free of violence, hate, greed, and mayhem. My goal is for you to find PEACE, HOPE, and JOY somewhere within the pages of my books.
THE ARCPOINT SERIES is a speculative look at the future of mankind, combining down-to-earth science with Bible prophecy. Filled with action and adventure, this post-apocalyptic tale avoids the murder and mayhem of a typical dystopian setting. Where suspicion and fear once divided us, discovery of truth seeks to unite.
“Mojave Rift by J.W. Gilbert is an exciting adventure that takes a biblical approach to a post-apocalyptic tale that is endearing, charming, and delightful.”
Liz Konkel
Reader's Favorite Review
“The imagery of the forest and the descriptions of the tribe's life blew me away. It was all so very vivid and picturesque that I had no issue imagining every scene in my head.”
Rabia Tanveer
Reader's Favorite Review
“Accessible to all readers due to its moderated content and accessible plotline, this is a thrilling adventure that could be read by young adults and older generations alike.”
K.C. Finn
Reader's Favorite Review
The Rift in MOJAVE RIFT is symbolic of the rifts that have formed in society in the 21st century. In the book, there came a time when someone had to take that first step to bridge the gap and find common ground. The rules put in place to maintain the rift had to be broken. I have personally witnessed rifts in families, in churches, and certainly in politics. I’ve never understood how something so destructive can be so well embraced.
Peace. Hope. Joy. My goal is for you to find these somewhere in the pages of my books and this website. Once I got past my turbulent teens, I found them. Over forty years later, I haven’t lost them. Now that I’m retired, I wanted to share what changed my life with anyone who may be looking for those three things . . . Peace. Hope. Joy.
Yes, the answer involves God, our Creator. If you would prefer to look elsewhere, I understand. I was an atheist once. That didn’t work for me. But religion wasn’t my cup of tea either, and still isn’t. I hope that makes you skeptical and curious because that’s my approach.
They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I disagree. Alcohol, drugs, suicidal thoughts—those things nearly killed me, and none of them made me stronger. What made me stronger was what rescued me from those things—peace, hope, and joy. One day, someone pointed me toward Jesus and said He had those things for me. I was skeptical, but curious. They were right.
I soon discovered the truth about Jesus came wrapped in a package called religion. Sometimes, it takes a while to rip through that outer covering. Often, there are people who don’t appreciate your making a mess of the pretty decorations they worked so hard to create.
Having said that, what I’m offering also comes in a package. I won’t just throw a new colorful sweater under a Christmas tree and call it a gift. I, too, have worked hard to create books and other writings that entertain. I throw in action and adventure, humor and romance, all in an effort to keep you coming back for more. I’ve spent thousands of hours trying not only to keep the stories true to the Bible but also characteristic of the real world.
In this world right now, peace, hope, and joy are becoming elusive. I have to admit it bothers me to see the troubles of mankind on the rise. But the Bible predicted these things would happen and pointed to a time when things will be different. A time when weapons aren’t needed, and war isn’t even studied. In the Mojave books (ArcPoint book series), I work to create a view into that era. To see how life may change if selfish motives are replaced with charitable inclinations.
I hope you have the joy that comes with the experience of God. And, like me, that joy hasn’t been interrupted through a pandemic, riots, storms, and rumors of war. If so, you’ll relate to what I have written. If not, give at least the first book, Mojave Rift, a try.